Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This townhouse was built on top of a graveyard. No joke.

I hate people who go to the movies. I especially hate people who go to see a movie on its opening weekend. I especially hate everyone that has gone to see The Dark Knight or Mamma Mia at Cinebarre. I really need my Savannah trip on Saturday. I need a therapeutic break.

This past Saturday, at the redneck luau, I ate a Luther. A Luther is a burger that is on a Krispy Kreme doughnut instead of a regular bun. It was named after Luther Vandross, who wanted a burger but didn’t have any buns. It may sound disgusting, but it is actually one of the most amazing things I have ever eaten. Seriously. Incredible. Then today I had a Grand Marnier burger that was also unbelievable, except for its $11 price tag (but I split it with one of my bosses). A part of me feels guilty, because I’ve been trying to make the move in my life towards eating (or at least not personally purchasing) less meat (besides fish). The plan is not working. But I think that food is a big part of experiencing a culture or place and when am I really ever again going to eat a burger on a Krispy Kreme doughnut?

I have this anxiety about “growing up” and moving past college life that involves my fear of not being able to relate to people who are significantly older than me. I’m not going to be able to meet kids through school or part-time job environments anymore. Even now, except for the other interns and the editorial assistant and a few others, I am surrounded by people who are married and have had entirely other lives before coming to this paper. But after the party on Saturday, I really see that I am capable of having serious conversations with this kind of people. And they are mostly devoid of awkwardness. This is a good feeling. I feel less like a kid.

I found out that those suspicious noises that I heard in the street (that I mentioned last week) were actually a kid getting robbed at gunpoint. My landlords sleep with a police radio on and they told me about it.

Jesus Christ. If I wasn’t leaving so soon, with most of that time spent with other people in the house, I would be in a very neurotic place right now.

1 comment:

justin said...

My landlords sleep with a police radio on and they told me about it.


Burgers sound interesting, though.