Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I got lemonade at a real-life lemonade stand today.

How is it already July? When did that happen? I was driving home from the beach yesterday and I remembered how much I was dreading coming up here, but now I don’t think I could possibly have made a better decision. I’ve even finally managed to create a small social life for myself. Who knew that would ever happen? I got visited by a few friends this past weekend and it was nice going out with them, even though I wish I could have been more available. But I got out of work pretty early the whole weekend and we went to a bar, a weird hippie art and music show and even a house party.

I really need to make a list of places I need to go to. I still haven’t seen the Citadel and I really hope I’ll get to go to Fort Sumter with my parents. And I think my next solid day off - the movie theater is seriously giving me hours upon hours, at least five days a week - I want to drive to the mountains. I think. That means Greenville, which is a little more than three hours away. I definitely want to do a day trip somewhere.

I’m doing an art gallery guide for the City Paper. This afternoon I went into the galleries on Broad Street and they were all almost exactly the same. So many galleries here just exhibit “Low country scenes” of the old streets or the marsh. It is so redundant. I’m also going to be doing at least one book review, maybe three (I am currently in possession of the new Chuck Klosterman book that doesn’t come out until September. Fucking sweet.), but I’m nervous about it. I don’t really think I’m cut out to review things necessarily. I never know what to say and I think I’m incapable of finding a middle ground between loving or hating something I’m supposed to be critical of.

I wish I could be going to Gainesville this weekend but I have to work. Basically all I do now is work. I worked 20 hours in only three days. Nuts.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Greenville has pretty decent hills. I wouldn't call them mountains, but they're certainly better than what Florida has. If you can bear a couple more hours, go into Asheville!

When are your parents visiting? Now, nothing's definite, but I am trying to scope out all viable options for my getting up there to meet this design company, who are filled with the most flippin' adorable people. Just look at them:

I don't know what else I was planning to say. Eat lots of fresh blackberries for me! And I agree that the move has been good for you - you seem infinitely more confident and fulfilled.