Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Every day I leave my internship, I leave happy. I am so satisfied at the City Paper. In my life, I’ve been surrounded by people who dislike what they do, and I’ve had jobs, some similar, that I’ve absolutely hated, but I feel good when I am there. I feel so lucky to only be 21, to still be in school, and to know exactly what I want to do and that that job will make me happy.

I’ve also already been published. I spent an entire summer at the Coral Gables Gazette two years ago and only once did they let me write. Here, after only a week and a half, I was published today in the City Paper ("Bear Baiting":, a CD review: While the majority of what I am doing is basic and press release-based, it is still amazing to have physical proof of what I am doing and the experience I am getting.

This morning, Katy and Meg left me, having arrived to the city on Sunday night. It was beyond wonderful to have them here. It was also unreal to be with two people I’ve known for years in a place I’ve known for a week and that they don’t know at all. Exploring is better with friends. It’s also less terrifying to be lost when you have company. Having them here gave me the opportunity to find new places to go without being alone and uncomfortable. We went to a show at the Tin Roof, which was just a smaller version of Gainesville’s Common Grounds. We unearthed a quiet beach. We found a yummy vegetarian-friendly restaurant and the art house movie theater next door. I like that there’s all these different things and they’re only a little bit longer of a drive than things would be in Gainesville. Now I’ve been in every direction but north.

It was so nice to have them here. It was nice to have noise and other bodies asleep in the same house. Now it’s quiet and I have to find ways to occupy my (too much) time again. Tonight I’ll be the only person here when I sleep and it doesn’t help that last night I had a terrifying nightmare that involved me fighting off a serial killer. I hope that some of my other friends can come and that I can learn about this city with them even more.

I have had no success with finding a job. I’ve applied to so many that I can no longer keep count, but I know it is at least 20. I have applied to retail stores, some that I would never be able to afford to shop at even with a job there and a discount. I’ve applied to two different Starbucks and every local café or bakery that would let me. I applied to Whole Foods Market three different times for three different positions. My biggest hope is for a pizza place that I would have to drive to but that I think could be fun and the manager gave me positive feedback but I still haven’t heard from them. I feel so defeated by this it’s overwhelming sometimes.

I need to start plans. There are so many projects I want to do this summer and instead I’ve been spending my afternoons and evenings watching television. I need to start making lists.

To end, a photo essay:

I live about block away from a prison:


Not creepy at all.

And we decided to go explore it last night. We thought it was private property and decided to hop the fence. Meg was brave enough to go first when I said I’d spot here, only I’ve never spotted anyone before and was terrible at it:


She tried to show me how:


But we gave up and Katy did it instead:


Meg got over and I couldn't spot Katy either:


Katy was going to spot me, but I failed at that too.


We were upset:


But I decided “Fuck it” and walked a few yards to the hole in the fence and got in that way instead:


It wasn’t private at all. Other women showed up and they said there was a tour starting in a little bit:


I miss them already. I hope that one day we all move to a new city together and do all of this all over again, but for real.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Is that a prison with an effin' cage to hold carrier pigeons?!

OK, and I will admit to something that you will mock me for, but I'm saying it! I watched The Notebook the other day, and as you may know, it's all set in Charleston and Mount Pleasant. If I wasn't sitting down, I think I would've fallen over just seeing all those old building I could save an preserve. So yes, agreed, that town is very me.

And just to reiterate what I said elsewhere: from here on out when you're applying for jobs, lie lie lie. Nobody wants to have someone leave as soon as they've trained them!

Also: I know everyone's hair is up, but I love all y'alls haircuts.