Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pre-Charleston - Two More Days

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It hit me yesterday that yes, I am moving away for 12 weeks. I think it was the process of packing that did me in. While I was home in Miami and everyone asked what I thought about going to Charleston, I didn’t have much to say. It wasn’t anything I could see yet.. But trying to decide between what I will need or won’t need or won’t need but want to have makes me conscious of it all.

Leaving Miami was hard for me. It gets harder as I get older and I progress through school. Soon there won’t be any more winter breaks or spring breaks and I’ll just have two weeks of vacation time a year - if even that. Here’s hoping. And since now I’ll be 11 hours away instead of five and a half, I probably won’t see my parents for three months. And all my grandparents are getting sick.

And now Gainesville and saying goodbye to friends. Goodbyes never feel complete to me no matter who they are with. I never feel satisfied with them. I’m glad that I’m here for a few days and I’m trying to spend time with kids before I leave. I have this strange paranoia that Gainesville is at its best when I’m not in it, that many, many fun things happen and all this fun stops when I get back. I’m sure it only stops because school starts.

But I have things to look forward to. First, thanks to the creepy technology that is the “Facebook News Feed” telling me what "groups" my "friends" join, I found out Charleston has an infoshop!

Brand new! Just opened!

How is that for a good omen.

And now I am actually anxious to get up there and get involved in this thing. It will be a great way to meet some radical kids really quickly.

And there’s a good show the first (independent of my mom) weekend I am there and I don’t have to be scared of going to the show by myself because two of the loves of my life will be visiting me that very weekend and so hopefully I will transition into the Charleston scene-ry with their help.

I am finally getting antsy to be there.

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