Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It is very hot here.

I’m going to start by saying that I have misplaced my camera (hopefully only temporarily). So no picture this week. Or maybe any of the rest of the weeks I’m here. Which there are only eight more of. Crazy. Bananas. Where is the summer going?

Now I’m going to add that I don’t have much to add. No interesting developments this week. Maybe some interesting new emotions but nothing I feel like expressing so publicly. Fellow blogger and Coral Reef alumnus Justin Dainer-Best ( and I were just discussing our fears of leaving our summer locations without experiencing them as much as possible. That is a nagging feeling for me. I've also been thinking lately that I might miss out on developing relationships with people here, or leave new relationships underdeveloped. It is possible that I will meet a new friend that I will have to leave weeks later. This is something I am going to have to confront not only this summer, but in a year I will have to leave every friend, deep or casual or otherwise, behind.

I’ve been enjoying myself a little more. I went to the Charleston art walk on Friday. I might get to see Rilo Kiley for free tomorrow night and I’m going to a show on Saturday. I might get visited soon and if not, I’m going to go to Gainesville next weekend, I think. Matt + Kim is playing a show and I would like to see them and while I would like to spend Fourth of July weekend there, it might not work out.

Yesterday I went to a vineyard for an article I'm writing and got to try some sweet tea-infused vodka. Only in the South.


elizabeth said...

I'LL BE IN CHARLESTON FROM THE 26TH TO THE 29TH. So hopefully you'll be free for some of it.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. How was the vodkies? I miss you dearly and eight weeks sounds like an awful long time. Yesyesyes come down here asap! You should call me if you want, although I know how much you love talking on the phone. <3

justin said...

You got to go to a vineyard for an article you're writing. Hah! Awesome.

I am reading Kavalier and Clay and it's really good.

I like that we both have camera problems. (I'm trying to draw out my battery's life as long as possible.)

Ahhh Matt & Kim! They're so much fun live. I just got my sister's computer while she's traveling, so I have music again! It's amazing!